Chef Hits The Fan

Dear Readers,

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the creativity behind good food? There is nothing creative about it. For one, chefs are uneducated. They are tradies much like their carpenter, plumber and construction worker counterparts. They all share the same trait of hate for school, colleges or universities that would have expanded their horizons of thought. With a limited brain smaller than the size of that of a dinosaur (Oh My God, I can hear them say now “but dinosaurs are massive which means they have bigger brains too!” … YOU STUPID DONKEY!), what creativity can you get from an idiot chef who thinks he has attained high society status by dressing up in double-breasted white mental asylum’s attire?

Inspired by the dangerous idiots in the kitchen, welcome to Chef Hits The Fan!

Best regards,

The Gossip Chef



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